raw organic milk benefits

Raw Organic Milk Benefits: Why It’s the Best Choice

June is National Dairy Month. In celebration, this article is all about why raw organic milk is an excellent choice for health, longevity, and pure enjoyment.

Raw, organic, grass-fed milk is a well-balanced food. A single cup of raw milk contains 150 calories, 8g of protein, fat and carbs. This balance of macronutrients promotes blood sugar stability which in turn supports energy and mood. A glass of raw milk is a perfect snack, and easy to prepare – all you have to do is pour a glass!

Raw vs. Pasteurized Milk

Pasteurizing milk means milk that has been heated in order to make it a sterile food. Pasteurization kills all pathogens and enzymes, and, in the case of ultra-pasteurization (most grocery store milk), the sugar, protein, and enzymes are denatured, and the vitamins and minerals are reduced.

The following chart, from A Campaign for Real Milk, denotes the effect of pasteurization on a variety of important vitamins and minerals present in milk before pasteurization.

Nutrient Effect of Pasteurization
Calcium Longer and denser bones on raw milk
Vitamin C Raw milk can resolves scurvy while pasteurized milk cannot
Folate Carrier protein inactivated during pasteurization
Vitamin B12 Binding protein inactivated during pasteurization
Vitamin B6 Animal studies indicate B6 poorly absorbed from pasteurized milk
Vitamin A Heat degrades vitamin A
Vitamin D Present in milk, pasteurization cuts assiilation by half
Iron Lactoferrin, a contributor to iron assimilation, is destroyed by pasteurization
Minerals Minerals bound to proteins (like calcium and iodine) are inactivated by pasteurization
Vitamin B2 Riboflavin, completely destroyed by pasteurization

Raw Milk and Digestion

In addition to gut-strengthening bacteria, enzymes called lipases in raw milk aid in digestion of the milk. Our bodies do not need to create any enzymes in the digestion of raw milk; it digests itself in the small intestine. This is why many people who struggle with digestion when consuming commercially produced grocery store milk are able to enjoy raw milk without digestive upset. In fact, a survey of raw milk drinkers in Michigan found that 85% of those previously diagnosed with lactose intolerance were able to consume raw milk without issue.

Saint John’s organic grass-fed cows.

Our raw grass-fed milk co-op is open for members now. Sign up today and pick up your raw milk this week!