why choose local seeds

Why Choose Local Seeds for your Garden This Year

by Courtney Meyerhofer

With Spring right around the corner, it’s time to plan the garden.

Here’s why we encourage you to choose local seeds for your garden this year.

Local seeds are from plants well-adapted to your local growing environment.

Seeds saved locally are uniquely prepared to meet our area’s growing conditions.

Plants naturally adapt to their environment, so seeds from local plants are already adapted for the local area’s climate: temperature, humidity, disease, pests, and soil types are all adapted for and this information is stored in the seed itself. (Life is amazing).

Buying local seeds also keeps our money local. This supports local seed saving work and supports local farms who use regenerative practices we can get behind.

Snake River Seeds are uniquely adapted to our region, the Intermountain West. They’re open-pollinated and untreated. We highly recommend them!

March is a wonderful time to order seeds and get started on your backyard garden.

When you get your seeds, take a picture and tag us on Facebook or Instagram. We can’t wait to see what you’re growing!